words and fact

Saying the words does not 
make it true.

"They are still working on him, that is a good sign."
I know they had to try,
But I was with him before they took the crash cart in.
I knew he was already gone.

"God needed another angel."
God created angels.
God created humans.
Humans do not become angels when they die.

"He is looking out for you."
That is no longer Bill's job. 
God is continuing to look out for me,
Bill is totally enthralled with worshipping God.

"That was a message from him that it will be okay."
(referring to Bill)
No, our communication ended when he died and went to heaven
and I was left here on earth to continue living and working.

"You'll get over this."
Well intentioned, but highly unlikely.
I will heal, it is slowly becoming more scar than open wound. 
But I will never "be over this." It is part of my faith story.

"I love you."
Communication is more than speech.
Your actions (or inaction) 
bear witness to the validity of your statement.

Saying the words does not make it true.


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