Salekhard 107

I thought I was a patient person.
I thought I had learned that virtue the hard way.
Early in my Christian life I prayed for patience-
and discovered that the only way to become patient 
is to be put in situations where you have to practice patience.
Because of that, I do not pray for patience.
I have stopped people who say they will pray for patience for me.

I didn’t think I was addicted to anything.
I thought there was nothing in my life,
other than my relationships with God and the people I love,
that would cause me frustration if I didn’t have access to it.
Then I came to Salekhard.
Where truth is being revealed.
Sometimes the truth hurts.

Internet here is slow-I am talking dial up sloooowwww.
It is fickle, unreliable.
This makes keeping in contact with people at home
slow, tedious and sometimes frustrating.
Which tests my patience.
Which reveals character.

Deep, slow breaths.
Realize that the wind I admire may affect the service.
Be thankful Internet is available.
Be thankful it does work.
Be thankful you are not reliant upon snail mail.

As I was getting ready for the day,
hearing the wind whip and wrap around the house,
I thought of people who may not have adequate shelter.
And I was shamed.
Not being a text or easily sent and received FB message away
will probably be the biggest struggle of my day.
I have absolutely nothing to complain about.


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