Salekhard 105

This is a place of raw beauty.
Our first two and a half days were unseasonable warm and calm. 
We enjoyed walks.
We did not enjoy the huge mosquitos.
The evening of our second day the wind started.
It is a powerful, hauntingly wonderful sound to hear it wrap around the house.
It is blowing from the north, so the air is colder.
Most of the trees I have seen are small evergreens. Thin, like “Pencil” Christmas Trees. The other tree type is also thin-not like our maples or oaks or sycamores.
They dance a beautiful swaying dance as the wind blows.

We are having tortillas with eggs and potatoes for dinner-
like Taco Bell’s loaded potato taco. But there is no Taco Bell here. And there are no tortillas.
Deborah begins with flour and water, adds a little oil.
Lets the dough rest, forms it into balls, then rolls it out.
She and Bre have worked together.
Deborah preparing the tortillas,
Bre cooking them.
I was busy doing crafts with Abigail and Selah.
David and Andrew have been next door helping work on the Ennis’ house.

All around their home sits a neighborhood in infancy.
The airport is south.
The Yural mountains flank us to the west, on the opposite side of the Ob river. Snow still lies in places.
Where it has melted, large puddles run toward the Ob.
I had a dream last night that we had an ideal snow-warm temps, with soft white flakes and we were all outside enjoying them.It was like being live participants in a very large snow globe. 
Sometimes dreams are beautiful.


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