
The last two nights I have found it hard to fall asleep.
Friday night, sometime after 2, I slept, but had dreams all night.
Saturday night I slept solid, but only from sometime after 3 to 7:14.

Today I laid down for a Sunday afternoon nap.
I was in that place of being more asleep than awake and thought,
"I wonder what Bill and I will do this evening?"

For a few brief seconds
the memories of past Sunday afternoons was stronger than reality,
but it only took a split second for reality to wake up.

The reality is that each one of us will die.
"What you go after here determines where you go hereafter."
I don't know where I first heard that, but it has stuck with me.

I urge you, I plead with you,
be a disciple of Christ.
It is not an easy life, but it is the best life.
If you are not sure of what that means and want to know,
I would be more than happy to help you figure it out.

While you have breath:
Love lavishly.
Forgive freely.
Appreciate daily.
Encourage often.

Memories are powerful.
I encourage you to invest.
Money is not required,
but time is essential to make good ones.
Leave something that others can smile about and treasure.

I am thankful for the memories I have of Bill and our life together.

"The memory of the righteous is a blessing,
but the name of the wicked will rot."
Proverbs 10:7

If you have people in your life that have died 
and thoughts of them bring a smile to your face-
thank God for them.
If you have people whose memories bring pain,
forgive them and move on,
even if they didn't ask for it and they don't deserve it.
Because you deserve the peace that comes with letting go.


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