Salekhard 302

Some of what I learned 
our first two weeks in Salekhard:

There was still ice on the river May 20
Deborah and Abigail
        The Yural mountains are to the north and west
                Yural Mountains, Ob River is the white between the Mountains and trees
From Deborah's kitchen door May 17, 9:54PM

There are beautiful sunsets over those Mountains

  There is an established city 
downtown Salekhard

                          There are delicious treats 
Coffee, Cafe at Polaris 
There is a church being built
Orthodox Church

There are groceries to be bought-
or not…
(looks like our shelves before a snow storm)

bears need to know what the Bible says

Selah reading to her bear
 there are meals to be prepared

there is a forest to explore
Uncle Andrew and Selah

                         there is sand to build castles 
                                     Aunt Bre, Grandma Donnette, Abigail, Selah

In Salekhard there is a lot of life to be lived.


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