the one, two punch

Andrew, Bre and I often eat dinner together in the KCU cafe.
Tonight they had other plans, so I went by myself.
Five of my soccer kids were sitting at a table, 
obviously done eating, 
so I started to sit by myself at the opposite end of the table.
They were not having that.
"Mom, come down here."
"You are done eating, you are ready to go."
"We will sit with you."
And they did, letting me see a little more into their lives 
as they shared their summer plans.
I also got an update on the mother of one of the girls-
she had surgery today and I had been praying for her.
All good stuff.
I am blessed.

Two of the boys began to talk about who was older.
"Jack is a month older than me and I am a month older than you."
Birth dates began rolling-
June 4 close to mine!
July 21 umph, one, right in the gut...Bill's birthday
August 15 close to our anniversary
August 6 umph, two to the gut...our anniversary
The last birth date didn't register.
Through a haze I heard,
"Mom, when is your birthday?"
"June 9"
Birthdays should be celebrations.
There was a round of elbow bumping in honor of summer birthdays.
Hard as it is sometimes, you have to roll with the punches.
The alternative is to be knocked out.

Part of a song came to mind as I sat alone in my family room,
catching my breath and refocusing after that ambush.
The words are directed toward Satan:
"I get knocked down, but I get up again, 
you ain't never gonna keep me down." ***

***I was going to put the song link on here. 
Until I listened to the song. 
I have only ever heard the part I wrote down-
the rest of it is inappropriate, 
but this part is relevant.

I was looking for clip art. I thought a virus destroyed my computer.
My heart sank to my stomach for the second time tonight.
I prayed. My computer recovered. Once more to the enemy I say,
"I get knocked down, but I get up again,
you ain't never gonna keep me down."

When I went to biblegateway to look up scripture, I found this verse posted for today. Smile with me. It "just happens" to be part of a passage Bill and I memorized together.

"do not be anxious about anything, 
but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving 
let your requests be made known to God. 
And the peace of God, 
which surpasses all understanding, 
will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."
Philippians 4:6-7

I get knocked down, I pray.
God hears me and lifts me up.
In Him I stand, guarded, protected.


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