
When I woke up this morning I was battling anxiety.
Skin crawling, stomach rolling, heat inducing anxiety.
It was if a monster was blowing fire in my face.

It is only as I have gone forward, 
asking for prayer support and and focusing on the next step
that I have broken through to growing calmness and excitement.

When we left Pittsburgh this morning it was overcast.
As we climbed, gaining altitude we were enveloped in a cloud.
It was only as we continued to go forward that we broke through the cloud cover to the beauty of sun and blue skies.

As we broke through I thought about God and perspective.
God sits above the clouds-
He sees the beauty and the whole picture.
He is not distracted by the clouds and murkiness.

My perspective of Him
influences my perception of life.
He is able to keep all monsters,  fire breathing and others, at bay.

Walking by faith, in obedience,
trusting in His love, mercy, grace and provision
clears the darkness and makes life beautiful.


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