Costa Rica in 30 pictures (and one video)

I do not know if 30,000 words would be enough, 
and I do not want to write a Costa Rica "War and Peace", 
so since a picture is worth 1,000 words,
here are 30 pictures to try and capture
a glimpse of my trip.

I went to join this couple in ministry.
Ministry is about loving people-not doing stuff,
though "doing stuff" can be a way to love people.
This woman ministered to us.
She prepared at least one of our meals every day,
always with a smile.
Carlos and Raisa hired her to help them in the ministry,
but also to minister to her-
she needed a job to be able to provide for her children.
It is a win-win situation.
It amazes me how many different,
tasty ways she can prepare 
and serve rice.
Different places, different days, different people,
same purpose:
Share Jesus' love.
Always, always, always, pray.
a smile, a kind word, a game, 
a song, a skit, work, time, life.

we prayed as we walked
looking behind us
we visited families
We prayed as we drove.

we long for people to be able to say with us:
"I lift up my eyes to the hills.
From where does my help come?
My help comes from the Lord,
who made heaven and earth."
Psalm 121:1-2
through city streets

over the rivers
around the bends 

over the mountains

This is one house we passed
on our way
(don't give up!)
to this house.
Our team, Gilbert, his mother and son.

feed the body and the soul-take time to listen


pray, chill

sing, smile, laugh

skits, school supplies, rice, kind words, time
In ministry, remember to take time to rest!


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