Costa Rica 105

The plan for today was to eat breakfast at 8, head out at 9.
Our goal-pray through a neighborhood where Carlos and Raisa feel called to share the gospel.

French toast, eggs, coffee, fresh pineapple and papaya. 

We had a bit of time before we headed out.
Andrew took Sarah to the big house to call Kourtney.
She came down in tears. Their dog Mazey died.

I went up to the house we girls are staying in to grab my rain poncho and to use the bathroom. People were milling about when I came back down to the shelter where we spend our time in community when we are here. I sat down, waiting for Carlos and Raisa to come down from the house. 

Bre came running from the bathroom area in the shelter toward their house, yelling “Andrew needs an epi-pen”. 

I began praying. 

My heart came up in my throat.

Andrew was in the bathroom with the door locked.

While I had been at the girls house he had come from the big house. On his way down he thought a sweat bee was on his face. His hands were full and he couldn’t shoo it away so he used the back of his hand to smash it. It stung him on his chin, just under his bottom lip. He had begun to feel weird, took some Benadryl, then went to the bathroom.
Beth asked him if he was okay-he sounded weak when he answered her. She told him he needed to unlock the door.

When he came out of the bathroom he was drenched in sweat. 

He sat in a chair beside me.
His eyes were blood shot. 
His ears were deep red. 
He did not look good.
He did not feel well. 

I continued praying. 

He has never had any reaction to a bee sting.

Raisa, along with everyone else in the big house came running down the incline. Andrew decided he wanted to lay in his bed for a few minutes. Liani sat next to him, the epi-like pen in hand.  After a minute or so of deliberation Raisa said, “Just give him the shot. We will all feel better.” Amen Raisa, amen!

He slowly began to feel better.
His heart rate slowed. 
He quit sweating.

Ministry intent, still head out, just later.

I went back up to the girls house. 
I needed the bathroom again. 
I’d had the poop scared out of me.

When I came back down plans had changed.
Andrew was back in bed to rest.
We had an extended time of worship and prayer.

Afterward we went to the unfinished building that will be guy housing. We wrote scripture on the walls, prayed and sang.

Lunch was ready. Be checked on Andrew. He was feeling weak, but better. He got up to eat. It was wonderful to see that his eyes were no longer bloodshot and his ears were normal color. He was talking more like himself. As the afternoon has turned to evening it hard to believe that this morning was real. He is himself.

We ended up going to the neighborhood. 

Before we arrived at our final destination we saw a man who is a believer along the side of the road in the neighborhood we were headed to. Carlos stopped to speak to him. He joined us. We discovered that this man already has a heart for the kind of ministry that Carlos and Rasia have felt led to start in this area. They will be able to come alongside him and work with him. We walked and prayed up the hill and down the parallel street. The local man went almost door to door. Three people expressed interest in beginning a walk of faith. God was and will be honored. 

Tonight I am thanking God that I do not have sorrow upon sorrow.
Tonight I am thanking God He allows us to join Him in His work.
Tonight I am thanking God for His eternal purpose. 
Tonight I am thanking God for Andrew’s life. 
Tonight I am thanking God for His timing.


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