"what if..." Costa Rica

What if...
whispers tickle my ears 
as I prepare for my first mission trip-a trip to Costa Rica.

What if
what if my back goes out like it did 13 years ago
what if my IBS acts up 
what if I am not strong enough to do what the others are doing
what if it is blazing hot
what if I get sick
what if I get hurt
what if I can't make the hike to La Barra*
what if a monkey drops out of a tree and attacks one of us 
what if the mosquitoes drone like they did in Siberia
what if I forget something vital
what if one of my kids gets hurt
what if I can't sleep

This morning as the enemy tempts me to get distracted, to waste time and energy on things I have no control over, I hear another voice, one that is quiet, still, peaceful and calls me to rest:

What if
What if you choose to trust Me to give you strength to do what I have called you to do
What if you swallow your pride if need be and say "I am sorry, I cannot help with that project. Is there something else I can do?"
What if there is something I want to teach you that will be easier for you to learn in Costa Rica
What if you find out that you are able to do far more than you think you can do because I am at work in you...

What if-
can rob us of peace 
or fill us with joyful anticipation

What if I have an Elijah like experience?

"And He (God) said (to Elijah), 
“Go out and stand on the mount before the Lord
And behold, the Lord passed by, 
and a great and strong wind tore the mountains 
and broke in pieces the rocks before the Lord
but the Lord was not in the wind. 
And after the wind an earthquake, 
but the Lord was not in the earthquake. 
And after the earthquake a fire, 
but the Lord was not in the fire. 
And after the fire the sound of a low whisper...
And behold, there came a voice to him and said, 
'What are you doing here, Elijah?' "
1 Kings 19:11-13

*I read this post to Andrew and discovered the Hike to La Barra "what if" is null and void. The hike is to Hobo and we are not going there. Some "what if's" are taken care of by knowing, not wondering.


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