Costa Rica 201

Andrew had several different activities to choose from for our free day today.
Things that he has done with other groups.
The Butterfly Garden
A Volcano Tour
or Zip-lining

He chose the zip-line for us.
I have wanted to zip-line for a long time.
I was afraid to even consider it because of my back.
Andrew assured me that I would be fine.
I trust him, so I agreed to go.
I almost chickened out this morning.
He was explaining to us there are 13 lines.
Thirteen different lines.
I thought I had agreed to one.

Carbine clips. 
Huge carbine clips.
Two guides.

The first platform was relatively close to walk to.
The ride was short, the line not very high and, in retrospect, slow.
But it was so much FUN!
The second platform was a little more of a challenge to get to.
The ride was a little faster, a little longer.
More fun.
The hike to the third platform made me think “this is getting real”.
The ride confirmed that suspicion.
By the fifth platform I began to wonder.
“What was I thinking?”
Sweat was pouring off of my body
and my breath was, once again, coming in gasps.
The ride was great and motivation enough to go on.
By the seventh platform I almost gave up.
It wasn’t the zip-line, it was the walk up hill at that elevation.
I decided to try something new-
walk uphill before the last person was done coming across.
It helped.
With four lines to go I thought I was going to have to stop.
I did not know if my body could climb any higher.
I changed my order of zipping to second instead of sixth-
it gave me longer to rest.
I am so glad I went on, walking as slow as I needed to.
The last line was 600 meters long.
Over a beautiful valley.
The ride?
Oh. My. Goodness. 
There are no words.
I would definitely go again.


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