stats don't lie-or do they?

I write because it helps me process life.
I have a high school English teacher to thank for that.
I don't remember her name, but her influence lives on daily.
(Lesson-do the good you have an opportunity to do, regardless of the attention it does or does not receive, it can be a life long influence.)

This afternoon I looked at the graphic stats for readers of my blog.
It helps me to put the last few years in perspective, not for readers, 
but as a visual representation of the ups and downs I face.

What strikes me today is that the huge spike representing September's readers is an accurate visual depiction of how life changing Bill's death was. Three days after he died, September 1, I wrote my first blog post to help me gain some clarity about what I was going through. I have written every day since then. Sometimes twice a day.
I shake my head when I look back over the graph for posts from the years before. Some of the things I wrote about were as big in my life at the time I was going through them as facing death square in the face is. As I reflect, I see how small the other things were in the grand scheme of life. Or perhaps, more accurately, they were simply training grounds for learning to trust and walk in obedience.

I began writing this blog June 2010. I wrote 123 posts June-December.
In 2011 I wrote 36 posts, mainly in January and February.
In 2012 I wrote 39 posts, most written June-September.
In 2013 there is one post in February, another in March.
Life, in retrospect, was pretty calm before August 29, 2014.

blog stats for the month of June 2015
are a visual representation of the ups and downs of any given week
blog stats for last week 
are a representation of my emotions some days, 
continual ups and downs
the blog stats for today
show the spikes and valleys an hour, or shorter amount of time can hold

Level places

The stuff life is made up of

I am thankful that one thing is constant,
regardless of where I am in the flow.
God is in control.
Always has been.
Always will be.


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