Flashback from Drop-Box

Today is Kaelyn's birthday.
She is now a double digit-er.
The big 1 0.
I remember how special it was when she arrived on this date because it was my daddy's birthday.
I have thought about him a lot today.
He would have been so proud of my family.
It is his first birthday since he has been gone that I have faced without Bill. I have thought about that too.
Scrolling through my Hotmail junk I had a message from Drop-Box:

"Donnette, remember these photos from July 21, 2014?"

I knew what those would be.
Bill's birthday.
The big 6 0. 
Jonathan and Jess had us out to their house for cake and ice cream.
He was holding Benjamin.

I clicked on "see if it is safe" and got an extended message-

"Hey Donnette,

Your weekly Flashback is ready to view. Take a walk down memory lane and see what you were up to this time last year, and years before that."

I was torn-
sign in to drop-box and see if there were more photos or delete because it was the last birthday I got to celebrate with my husband.
I took the chance and signed in.
The reward outweighed the risk.
These were the only two photos that showed up.
And even though there are tears streaming down my face, 
it is so good to see that smile and those eyes and remember how excited he was every time we spent time with family.

Cherish those you love. 
Let them know they are important to you. 
Every chance you get. 
Take time to learn how to communicate in ways they hear.
You won't regret it.


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