it has to be stopped

"It" has many forms. 
I don't know what "it" is in your life,
but here is a partial list from mine,
of the "its" that have at one time or another kept me 
from things I enjoy and want to do. 


Today a few of these crept into my life,
trying to distract me, 
telling me I shouldn't:
clean my bedding
go through the files in the cabinet and organize them
carry things to the shed
go to the church pool party

I told "it"- not today.
Today you will not keep me 
from living life
from reclaiming activities I want to participate in
from enjoying time with people 
I love and want to be with.

Today you will not keep me
tied to the past
limited by "what will they think if":
I throw stuff away
I cry
I leave early
I laugh and have fun

I will enjoy the gift today is.
I know it is Friday 
and Fridays can be a struggle, 
but it is also a fresh start, 
a brand new day.

So, I went through 
the millions of papers 
in the filing cabinet

I got rid of live plants long dead.
Put a living plant into a basket.
Rearranged memories in what was Bill's office and will be the library.
Moved a TV, DVD & VHS players and X Box in the playroom.
Carried some yard sale items to the shed.

I drove myself to the pool party.
Watched kids swim, ate some picnic food, talked to friends.
Even talked about Bill a couple of times.
Didn't cry, not once, but would have been okay of I had.
Got lost trying to get out of Carter Caves, and admitted it.

I sit on my couch tonight thanking God,
knowing that because He is at work in me,
and only because of Him,
several forms of "it" were stopped today, 
wrestled into submission.

"Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might. 
Put on the whole armor of God, 
that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil. 
For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, 
but against the rulers, against the authorities, 
against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, 
against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places. 
Therefore take up the whole armor of God, 
that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, 
and having done all, to stand firm."
Ephesians 6:10-13


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