
I am sitting here tonight, 
on the couch, 
by myself with a houseful of people, 
I am not sure how I am feeling.
and this happens:

"Thinking about you and praying for you. Love you!"

"Perfect timing"

"God is awesome!!!"

"He is!"

A textversation* with a dear friend, 
one who is not a night owl.
I am sure it is past her regular bedtime.

"It's so neat to know that when you need that something little HE chooses me to be the one to send the text or give the hug or just stop by. I stand in awe every time just knowing HE knows me and you so well!"
Me too dear friend, me too.

Are you the one God wants to use 
to share His love with someone?
Definitely, yes.
He wants to use each one of us.
the next time you feel the urge 
to make a phone call
to say a prayer
to send a card
to send a text
to give a hug
to stop by
I have three words for you:
Just do it.


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