worth the risk

exposure to the chance of injury or loss; 
a hazard or dangerous chance

Life is full of risks-
some are relatively inconsequential
some have life changing consequences.

Stretch out a clothesline and hang blankets knowing the dog could pull them down, the line could break or it could rain.

Buy flowering baskets, knowing my success rate of keeping one alive is zero, the kids could knock them over, they are a money pit.

Love, knowing it makes you vulnerable and will probably hurt at some point, knowing people change, knowing they move on.

You have to count the cost,
weigh the pros and cons,
make a decision.

There is nothing like the smell of blankets dried outside on a summer day, Sam is pretty calm these days, there isn't a rain cloud in sight and there is a gentle breeze. Yes, it is worth the risk.

Hanging baskets add a welcome splash of color to my porch, the other day a hummingbird visited the one I had that was almost dead and I found some for just $5. Yes, it is worth the risk to re-invest.

Opens doors to unbelievable beauty.
Changes me, matures me, enriches  my life.
Sets people free to go where they need to go, 
in order to do what they need to do,
and you are a part of whatever they go on to.
Yes, it is worth the risk.

A lot has changed since this photo was taken Dec. 2012.
Two babies, Benjamin and Xavier, have been added.
Bill has gone home.
Sarah and Kourtney will soon live in Russell Springs, KY.
Deborah and David live in Siberia.
Jonathan and Jess are married and live in Grayson.
Andrew and Breanna are married and live in Evansville IN.
Ruth and Kyle live in Lexington.
Some things are the same.
Mike and Beth live in Cincinnati.
I live in Grayson.
Things will continue to change.
Two new babies join our family Thanksgiving week.
Love changes life.
For a Christ follower
not loving
is not an option.

"A new commandment I give to you, 
that you love one another: 
just as I have loved you, 
you also are to love one another.  
By this all people will know that you are My disciples, 
if you have love for one another.”
Jesus said this. It is found in John 13:34-35


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