love, an outstanding debt

Our family likes celebrating holidays together. To be honest, we just plain like being together, holiday or not. Last year was the first Fourth of July that Bill and I found ourselves in Grayson by ourselves so we went and joined our church family at Bradley and Tyler's house to celebrate. We had a lot of fun. I stepped out of my comfort zone. I decided to live on the edge-do something daring, something I have never done before. I got in line behind the children and waited my turn for face painting. I wanted to make a bold statement. April kind of laughed when I told her what I wanted.

I wish I had a picture of Bill's face when April was done.

April announced " Guess who she loves?
It is literally written on her face."
I got one of his special smiles.
I am thankful I took that opportunity 
to tell everyone there how I felt,
to affirm my love for Bill in a new way.

I encourage you to never let an opportunity pass 
to say I love you
to express it in public.
to say it in fresh ways
to never apologize for how silly it might seem to others

"Let no debt remain outstanding, 
except the continuing debt to love one another, 
for whoever loves others has fulfilled the law."
Romans 13:8


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