Zip lining

I have wanted to zip line for a long time.
I thought my opportunity to do so was long gone when I found out I have a herniated disc and several bulging discs.
When Andrew leads a team to Costa Rica he always plans a free day-it can include a trip to the Butterfly Garden, the Poas Volcano or Zip Lining. (I am sure there are other options, those are just the three I remember. Maybe because they all sounded interesting to me.) I thought maybe he would take my age and enjoyment of all things nature into consideration and opt for the Butterfly Garden. I also realized life is not all about me so thought that would probably be last on the list. Maybe the fact that none of us have never seen a Volcano would swing the pendulum that direction. That would be cool-how many people can say they visited a live volcano? In my heart of hearts I was torn. Root for the safe and comfortable (garden experience) or hope for a once in a lifetime thrill. When he told us we were going zip lining I tried to balance excitement with wisdom. I had to be able to get home the next day via airports and van rides. But in my heart of hearts I wanted to take a chance- do something totally different- I wanted to fly without being on a plane. Andrew assured me I would be fine.
Ready to go. 13 lines. YIKES!

First line-this is fun.
Last line- was incredible.
This is a video I found on you-tube of the last line. This is not anyone in our group, none of us had the right equipment to take a video.

As I have thought back over my zip lining experience I have compared it to life. First I chose to trust Andrew, that I would be able to make it through and then I had to trust our guides-that they would properly outfit me, that the equipment was the right equipment, properly maintained and in good working order. I had to trust that the guides knew what they were doing and where they were leading me. I sure didn't know. It was comforting to watch one of them go ahead of us, from every platform onto the next one. When Andrew told me about going zip lining I thought I would be going on a zip line. One line. And I think I would have been satisfied with that first line. But only because I did not have the experience of the other 12. Each line offered a different view different. Each walk to the next platform was different, had its own challenges. I had to do some adjustments, mental and physical. There were several times I almost stopped going forward. I struggled on the hike up the mountain. I seriously doubted I could make the last climb. It was grueling. The length and the altitude took a toll on my body. But the reward was so worth it. Life is not what I thought it was going to be. But I trust my Guide. He knows what He is doing, He goes before me and is also behind me. He equips me with what I need to not only make it, but enjoy the journey. Sometimes the climb is so hard I wonder if I will make it to the next platform. All I can do, all He requires me to do, is trust Him, put one foot in front of the other, make adjustments, rest when I need to and keep pushing through the discomfort and times when breathing is hard. I am convinced the end ride will make the hard work it takes to get there totally worth it.


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