
Run away-
are you ever tempted?
I am.
As a matter of fact I did.
This evening.

I was frustrated.
Easily irritated.
For no particular reason.
So I got in my car and drove away.

I simply didn't want to be HERE any longer.
I started out on Route 1 headed north.
Seriously considered driving until I reached the farm 300 miles away.
I have a credit card and there is a Wal Mart there.
I could get anything I needed.

I reached the end of Route 1 and knew that was not a good idea.
So I just kept driving.
90 minutes. 
To nowhere in particular.
Looking for answers.

Ended up at the Lake.
Sat at picnic table overlooking the lake for about 20 minutes.
Running to God.
Drove to KCU and walked a mile, thinking and praying.
Saw a friend and chatted a few minutes.

It was time to come home.
Now I sit on my back porch with candles lit,
bugs making their nighttime noises,
fan going to help keep the mosquitoes at bay.
Sometimes I have to run away from home so I can live here.

Running away isn't bad,
as long as I am running toward 
the One who knows and loves me
the One longs to hold me, heal me and make me whole.
His peace washes over me as I allow Him to be who He is.


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