beauty in brokeness

our last full day here at the beach,
and this morning was cold and gray, but dry
so down the beach I headed
bucket in hand
but the search today was not for "the perfect shells"
my purpose was to look for beauty in brokenness

one thing that is becoming abundantly clear 
or perhaps more accurately, 
one thing that I am more willing to acknowledge
is that life is full of less than perfect
broken people/events/situations
with intermittent moments
that we term "perfect"

it did not take long to totally fill my bucket 
I don't think it is coincidence 
that today I found larger, whole shells 
alongside the broken ones
(some only because I bent over to pick up a fragment)
my plan is to make something to display today's finds
as a reminder to appreciate the beauty in brokenness
and to enjoy "perfect" moments
but not live for them

"But we have this treasure in jars of clay, 
to show that the surpassing power belongs to God and not to us."
2 Corinthians 4:7


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