sweet treats

Caramel apple suckers are a favorite in our family so when I saw them after Halloween in the clearance aisle at Target I purchased every bag I saw.
I put them in a mini fridge in my closet, waiting until we were all together to surprise the kids and grandkids with them. I knew it would elevate my status. I thought about taking them with us to the beach, but we already had several piles of goodies so I chose to save them for another time. Sand in the caramel didn't sound appetizing anyway.
This afternoon I decided to move the mini fridge out of my closet and replace it with a piece of furniture that would be more helpful.
I opened the fridge door completely to empty it.
(I had it propped open so it wouldn't get a funky smell from being closed.)
Do you see what I see?

Someone has a sweet tooth.
To say I was not a happy camper is an understatement.
Though I am sure somewhere in my home there is a very happy mouse.

I put duct tape over this hole. 
I know it will not deter the mouse, 
but it will tell me if it is still there, 
hunting in my closet, 
and if it is I will need to get a trap and set it. Yuck.

before the treats

So many thoughts followed this finding:
"Really? My caramel apple suckers?"
"Thinking things are safe doesn't make it so."
"How many things are wasted because we wait for a perfect moment rather than simply enjoying them?"
"We need to be diligent, 
there are forces trying to steal our joy."
                         "I hope its teeth rot."

after the theft

"oh be careful little mouse where you go,
oh be careful little mouse where you go,
Cause Miss Donnette won't tolerate 
intruders in her room,
oh be careful little mouse where you go."

"Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, 
where moths and vermin destroy,
and where thieves break in and steal. 
But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven,
where moths and vermin do not destroy,
 and where thieves do not break in and steal.
For where your treasure is, 
there your heart will be also."
Matthew 6:19-20 NIV


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