walk by faith

when God calls
I have a choice
listen, obey and follow
or ignore, fight and refuse
I have walked both paths
and have found that to obey and follow, though often difficult,
is not nearly as uncomfortable as the regret of disobedience

I sit these days and wonder, 
"where Lord, where do You want me to serve"
I wait, not always patiently, to hear His direction 
I have spent what feels like a lifetime
asking for wisdom to know how best to minister to my family
I never expected to have a completely empty nest while I was young
it is unsettling to not have the boundaries I am accustomed to

even when it seems He is not answering, I will continue to pray
for wisdom and discernment
for boldness and courage 
for open eyes and ears and heart
for willingness to go or stay 
for strength to release 
for tenacity to hold on

"... for I know whom I have believed, and I am convinced that He is able to guard until that Day what has been entrusted to me."
2 Timothy 1:12


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