hurdles to love

Some of the hurdles I faced yesterday ended with "chance" meetings in the KCU Library as the result of an 11:30 AM text.

(highlights of texting conversation)
"are you home now"
"want to go to lunch with us?"
"I can't, I have to clean the church, then I am heading to Ohio. Want me to stop by your office for a few minutes later?"
"is there something we need to talk about?"
"no, I just haven't seen you and miss you"
I cleaned, went home, packed, showered and made the promised quick stop before I headed out of town.
"how are you"
I felt tears threatening suddenly
"well, not really" 
Even though we both knew he had to leave in 12 minutes he sat down with me like he had all night. He listened as I rattled. I suspect he prayed as we sat there. He told me he would be praying while I was gone.

I received a welcoming wave and warm smile from a friend who was in the middle of a group on my way to meet with the text-er. 

A hug and an "I miss you, I haven't seen in forever" from a friend who went out of his way to pick up a package at the house for us while we were in Florida. 

A chat with a friend about changes in his life, our family trip to Florida and why I was going to Akron ended with "Marilyn. I pray for her everyday."

Another friend was headed back to her office but she stopped to chat. 
This is a synopsis.
"how was Florida?"
"the new computer system goes live tomorrow"
"I have been praying it goes well, that Jenzabar does not turn out to be Jezebel"
"I think it will be good..."
pause, tears pooled in her eyes as she looked me full in the face 
"I miss him everyday"
I whispered, "me too" as tears rolled
"I can't imagine. I am sorry I made you cry"
There wasn't time nor words to explain that she had just given me one of the most precious gifts I have received. I am not sure I can explain, actually I am sure I cannot explain, why hearing her say those words was like a healing balm to my aching heart.

I am thankful for the delays, the hurdles, the things that I thought were placed in my way to simply trip me up on Thursday, because if I had left Grayson when I intended to leave I would have missed all of those expressions of love.


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