Is Your God Good?

"God is good"
I hear this 
I read this
and I wonder what makes Him good...
is it when a loved one gets a good report from the doctor
is it because a loved one gets home safely
is it when we get what we ask for

and I get why people say it,
I really do,
we need to thank and praise God
for the good gifts
He showers on us

I have an uncomfortable question.
I am not trying to cause an uproar or confusion,
but I think we need to have an answer to it-what makes God good?
Is God good
when we get devastating news 
when a loved one is never coming home again
when the answer to our prayer is a resounding no

If God isn't good all of the time, 
is He good any of the time?
I believe, with all my heart that God is good.
All of the time.
In all situations.

We live in a world that is not perfect.
Sin messes with life.
Brought and still brings 
storms, ugliness, pain, tears, heartache, death, grief, trouble.
But that was not God's original plan for man.
For those who are His children and live lives of obedience
we will one day go home, to the place He is preparing that is perfect.

so, regardless of what is going on
I am convinced and will proclaim that 
God is good, all the time
all the time, God is good

"Do not be deceived, my beloved brothers. 
Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above,
coming down from the Father of lights 
with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change."
James 1:16&17


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