When God has a better plan

A friend recommended a particular place for Bill and I to take our family if we wanted a beach vacation so when we were in Panama City Beach last May we drove down the road to Laguna Beach to check it out. The office staff and employees were friendly and helpful even though they were busy getting ready for Memorial Day Weekend guests. We explained what our plan was and they indicated that they were very open to renting to families, especially after we gave them a brief introduction to our story, so naturally that was the first place I checked when I began making plans for this trip.

Long story shortened, I knocked on that door at least 6 times and was denied or ignored each time. Beth tried and was denied. I was hurt. I was angry. I was disappointed. I was frustrated. I was confused. I knew this was where we were supposed to end up. It was where Bill and I had looked at and planned to go. So why wasn't it working out like it should?

I cannot explain to you the irony I felt when we pulled into the driveway of our rental home last Saturday evening and I looked across the street to see that we were directly across the road from the place I had targeted as perfect for our family. I think the shock was magnified because I thought the house was on Panama City Beach, not Laguna Beach.

Anger tried to raise it's ugly face. I thought about crossing the street to re-introduce myself to the office staff and put a name to the face that had written e-mails and made phone calls. Thinking I might get an explanation of why they refused to rent to us, why they did not return e-mails or phone calls and why their practice did not match their website.  

Instead I grabbed Xavier and headed to the beach. We spent a couple of hours out there, other family members trickling down to join us as vehicles got unloaded. And when I walked into the house I knew why those attempts at renting the other place failed. God had something better for us. 

Once again, He protected me from myself. 

The house was perfect for our family. Six bedrooms, which gave each family had their own space. Two kitchens. Two family rooms. The decks that are gulf side are covered which meant we could enjoy the ocean from outside even if it rained. The downstairs deck had no beach access which was wonderful for two reasons-we could let the little ones play without worrying they would wander out onto the beach and everyone had to pass the outside shower and faucet with a hose to rinse bodies or feet before entering the house.

So often in my life I have been guilty of pushing against the gates of protection God sets around me. Of knocking hard on doors He has closed. I have pouted. Thrown a few temper tantrums. Rammed through a time or two. Slowly, though, I have learned to choose to rest in confidence that I do not have to understand the why, what, how or timing before I trust that God has a plan and He is working His plan. 

Last Saturday night, after being at the beach less than six hours, my children had already come up with a plan to put aside money so we could return to this house every other year. Excitement was high. Sunday we noticed the for sale sign in front of the house. Tuesday we found out it had sold. There was a let down. The new owners may want to live in it. And if they did buy it as rental property, we knew there was no guarantee they would rent the house through the same property management company that has it now. And thinking about trying to hunt it down was daunting. 

Thursday night we had an adult family worship and sharing time. That would not have been possible at the other place. Friday I met the couple who owned the house and learned a bit of their story and was encouraged. They are believers and they receive joy from knowing families are enjoying their home. That would not have happened if we had stayed at the other place. They told me who purchased the house. It is the organization across the road. The one I tried to rent from originally. Friday night we watched the movie War Room as a family. That would not have happened at the other place. God definitely has had a hand in this. Perhaps we will be able to come back and will end up working with the other place.

"For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
    neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord."
                                        Isaiah 55:8


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