fear of failure

Fear of failure.
I rarely see a young child with that fear.
Rather, they are convinced they can do any and everything.
Somewhere along the line, as we "mature", we realize we might fail
and we tend to allow the fear of failure to limit us...

I had help with my blog tonight.
Ruth, Kyle and I were in the kitchen.
Ruth saw this when she came into the family room.

come and go
swirling, flitting,
fantasy flirting with reality
daring me to dream and take risks

with words...writing them, then making them public
with stuff...keep or pitch, buy new, used or re-purpose
with plans...continue on a familiar path or forge a new one
with dreams...God sized dreams, ones I know only He can give and fulfill
with actions..."when the price of staying the same is greater than the cost of change, change will happen" (or something like that)

I get scared spit-less
my heart races with anticipation
my busy mind keeps my body from resting
fear of failure threatens my willingness to step out and try

come and go
swirling, flitting,
fantasy flirting with reality daring me to take risks

Future editor?


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