Once upon a time...

Once upon a time there was a girl who did not go to church regularly, 
who did not know Jesus.
She had a friend who invited her to go to her sister's wedding, 
stay overnight and go to church with her the next morning.
The colors are different, 
but this is a picture of the inside of the building.
The high school met for Sunday School in this classroom.
This modern day gymnasium/kids meeting room used to be  the sanctuary, filled with pews. And right there at half court, the horizontal line that you can see just the beginning of is about the place where the girl was sitting with her friend when she saw something that changed her life.
Through these doors 
walked the best looking young man 
she had ever seen. 
"Who is that?" 
"He is in college, he doesn't date anyone from church, forget it."
This is the hall she would stand in to keep an eye out for "the man." Hoping to catch a glimpse of him. It is also where she was standing when he asked if she wanted to buy a candle to help support the U of A baseball team. She bought two. Not because she could afford them, nor were they beautiful (do you remember the old tall pillar jar candles with a picture on the jar, covered with crushed something?)
but, if she bought candles he would have to talk to her again when he delivered them.

This is the present door to the classroom she was teaching in when he came walking down the hallway three years after she first saw him and her heart started beating faster. When he stopped and asked if she would like to go out on a date, her heart soared and when she could speak, she said yes.  
Behind this closed door she was approached by another girl and was told that, as a Christian, she should quit dating Bill so that she could date him. 
She even quoted scripture.
 (Yes, that really happened.)
She didn't quit dating him.
On this stage, almost a year after the first date, they said "I do".
Stood outside these doors greeting their guests.
And walked down these stairs as husband and wife.
This is the hall their children's Sunday School classes were in.
Not much has changed in this Sunday School classroom. 
When I looked in this morning, 
I could see Beth and Sarah, and later Deborah, 
with smiling faces sitting with Miss Dora, 
learning about Jesus.

 "They" say you can't go home again. 
I think "They" are wrong.
This weekend I did.

It has been several years since I attended Northwest Avenue Church of Christ where the story of Bill and Donnette Bondurant began. 
Since we moved to Grayson in 1988 there have been changes, a new sanctuary and classrooms. 
New members. 
The old parts of the building are older and show some wear, like me. 
The faces that remain and loved us before, love me still. 
I approached going back this morning with trepidation, 
but armed with the prayers of people who love me. 
It was a wonderful trip down memory lane.


  1. So good to see you today! Thanks for walking down memory lane!


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