nesting place

the other night 
when it was way past time to be asleep
my mind was still racing
through all kinds of important stuff
like these random memories:

I attended six different schools K-12

Three Elementary Schools
Grill-after school one day it was cold and a boy offered me his jacket
Mason-I got in trouble the first cold day there because I came into the building before it was time, something I was allowed to do at my old school
Glover-taking a different path home every couple of days

Jennings Junior High-crushing on my Math teacher 

Two High Schools
North-where I had friends I fit in with
East-where I had to start all over

These are six streets I remember living on

Hudson Run Road-riding the school bus, being the bus driver's favorite

5th Avenue- where I first realized the difference in the color of my skin and my best friend, the neighbor's son

Howard Street-once I had to teach a boy who was bullying my brother a lesson. It didn't take long.

Somewhere in the projects-where the neighbor across the street had cockroaches large enough to pull a dog sled

Tonawanda Avenue-where I lived when Bill and I began dating

22nd Street-where I spent the summer with my dad between graduation on my 18th birthday June 9,1977 and my marriage August 6,1977

Stability is one of the qualities that attracted me to Bill.

We lived in the same house on 13th Street from just after our honeymoon until we moved to Grayson in 1988.  We brought our first four babies home there.

We lived in a double wide trailer for a year while we looked for a house to buy. We brought one baby home there.

Park Street. Where our last baby came home on a Friday evening. We had to take her to the doctor on Saturday and he sent us on to the hospital where she had to stay under the bilirubin lights.  When we made it home Monday night one of the boys said "Mommy, can we keep her this time?" 

I am still on Park Street.
I will be here until God says move.
There are good memories here.
It is a good house.
For my family.

It is home.

last night 
it was again past time to be asleep
but I wasn't tired
so I was organizing the photos on my computer into albums
and was amazed at how much traveling I did in 2015

Wilmington, North Carolina- where I shared a week with Miss Rita getting to know her better and had some beach time

Salekhard Siberia-home to Deborah, David, Abigail, Selah and now Gabriel

Costa Rica-my first mission trip, wonderful and challenging

Soccer Trips with the boys and the girls teams- Georgia, Tennessee, West Virginia, Ohio, Indiana, South Carolina, Florida

Laguna Beach, Florida-in the backyard, literally, of the place Bill and I had hoped to take the kids

God is always at work
to provide for me, 
to mature me, 
to stretch me,
to grow me,
to strengthen me,
to surprise me 

Tonight I realize that though it took awhile 
to get accustomed to staying in one place, 
I kind of like it.
Well, more honestly, 
I like having the same nest to come home to.


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