
I have a friend who introduced me to Fiesta dinnerware years ago when we both lived in Akron (1980's). Oatmeal or popcorn tasted richer, better, more flavorful in her colorful dishes. When I finally got up the nerve to look at how much Fiesta cost I knew it was not at all practical to think about purchasing. Not when I had a gaggle of children, I was a stay at home mom and Bill was employed by a Christian ministry. Fiesta was something I appreciated from afar, occasionally looking at it longingly as I shopped on-line.

Fast forward to summer 2014. The "dust" from our nest being emptied had finally settled. The three youngest children got married in an eight month period (December 29, 2012, January 12, 2013 and August 24, 2013) and we survived. Without losing our minds or going into debt. Bill had changed positions at KCU and received a raise. We made plans to travel together, especially when his job would take him close to where our children lived.

At the end of July Elder-Beerman had an incredible sale. I was once again online gazing. This sale would allow me to purchase Fiesta Dinnerware for less than half price. I tentatively approached Bill. He said "go for it". And I did. In a two week period, between Elder-Beerman and Kohl's sales I purchased 14 different sets of dishes in 14 different colors. My plan was to use them at Christmas. Each adult would choose a color to use and be responsible for washing their own dishes. If you didn't have a clean plate or bowl or coffee cup it would be your own fault. And all those colors! How fun and festive would that dinner table be! Bill was almost as excited as I was as I opened each box. I think because he liked watching me have so much fun. 

I displayed them on top of our buffet so we could enjoy the colors. 

When I lost him August 29 I lost the desire to use the dishes at Christmas. 

Last spring I was given two bookshelves that were better suited to displaying the Fiesta. Sarah picked them up for me and worked hard to place everything "just so". I wish I had taken a picture to show off her handiwork.

Glancing at the colors on those shelves brought me pleasure. I even added two new colors a few weeks ago. But all they did was collect dust and remind me I hadn't used them like I planned to. 

Until yesterday afternoon. 

Ruth and I were talking about the Fiesta. I remembered Kaelyn asking Sarah last summer, "Why does grandma have those beautiful dishes if she doesn't use them?" As I sat on the couch I thought "I do not want to end life as an old woman who had beautiful things that no one got to enjoy". I have thought about that before, but last evening I did something about it. I washed the plates and we ate Papa John's pizza off of them. Later I washed the salad plates, then the fruit bowls and cereal bowls. The cereal bowls found their home in the cupboard but I didn't know what to do with the plates, saucers and fruit bowls. I was too tired to even think about what to do with the mugs, tea cups and three gusto bowls I have. Today it fit together. 
any festival or festive celebration
For me, 
choosing to move the Fiesta
is one more step 
toward living 
and enjoying the celebration that every day can be.

I admit it is a little scary to put a dream to use 
but I think it is scarier still to refuse to live out a dream fulfilled.
I am convinced that life is too short 
to not try to appreciate and take full advantage 
of the beauty that is in our lives.
Is there anything beautiful in your life
that you need to move into use?

Ruth used one of these mugs
this afternoon.
She said it made her hot chocolate
taste better.

Seeing those colors here
makes me smile
from the inside out.


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