attic treasures

who knew that looking through three banana boxes full of stuff
would take more energy than running a marathon
(not that I have ever run a marathon, but I have a good imagination)

Sarah is home for a few days
she has an eye for decorating and arranging things I was not blessed with 
so I am taking full advantage of her while she is here

I showed her what I have collected and tried to decorate with
right now my house kind of looks like a second hand store scattered collection
when she is done, it will be beautiful and "together"

she remembered there were some things in the attic
she climbed the pull down ladder that makes access easy
and hollered for me to come up and look

we decided to bring three boxes of treasures down to sort through
oh. my. word.
I was not prepared for the emotional and mental work out that ensued

memories of people some we never met
guesses because we couldn't remember where some things came from
smiles as we found things that were recognized from childhood

some things I had picked up at thrift stores for, well I don't remember why 
some things that had been put away were passed down to Bill or I
some things had been saved to pass on to our kids

things from Bill's grandmother
things from my grandmother
things from someones parents or grandparents, just not sure whose (yikes!)

when we were done
we decided three boxes 
was more than enough to sift through at a time

passing on the attic treasures is going to take quite a few more days...
after all, 
learning to twirl and throw the baton does not happen overnight 


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