unpacking love

I got home from Sarah's Tuesday evening about 45 minutes before I was to meet the camp teams for dinner. It took several trips to unpack the car, gather the mail from the mailbox and the packages on the porch- two from Kohl's and a box, mailed Priority mail, from a friend who lives in Snohomish. I dumped stuff on the bar, on the table and on the kitchen counter. (I did at little shopping while I was in Russell Springs.) The box was the last thing in and I was running short on time so it got placed on the small table in my entry way. My plan was to open it when I returned home.

Camp team training goes a little later than I anticipated. It was almost midnight when I pulled into the drive and breakfast was at 8:25 AM. I needed to write so I postponed my treat of discovering what Dorothy had sent.

Wednesday afternoon while the camp teamers were learning some outdoor games I scurried home to mow my lawn, clean the church and shower before evening training began. I moved the box to the bar, intending to open it when I returned home. Again, it was late. I needed to write and I wanted to savor the gift so I didn't open it. I did send a message to let her know it had arrived.

Thursday was even more full than Wednesday had been with a trip to Howell's Mill Christian Assembly for team building exercises, a service project and practice/training of baptisms in the cold, cold pool. It was after 9 PM when we left camp so it was dark before we reached Grayson. It hit me in the van that 2 years ago this week I was at the beach with Bill, relaxing and enjoying the sun. By the time we finished it was after midnight and I was exhausted.  

The box was totally forgotten. 
I did something I haven't done since 9/4/14. 
I went to bed without writing.

I woke up refreshed this morning. For the first time this week I had a few extra minutes at the start of my day. When I came downstairs I noticed the box sitting on the bar. I was conflicted. Open it or leave it. I was concerned I might cry and since I was on my way to eat breakfast with at least 14 other people so I wasn't sure opening it was a good idea. I headed to the door. Before I got more than a few steps down the hall I returned to the counter thinking, "If I cry and and look like Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer it won't be the end of the world." I was tired of waiting. I wanted to see what she had sent.
This morning I opened a simple brown corrugated box.

This morning I unpacked love and it has spoken to me all day.

Beautiful, vivid, celebration colors.
And a note.
Beautiful words that fed my heart and soul.

Thank you my sweet friend.
For our friendship that spans years and miles.
For my hand made beach bag.
Thank you most of all for the love that went into every stitch
and for the "memories and prayers that drove the project".


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