I don't deserve this...

When I was a little girl I had a few recurring dreams. In one I would be full size, in my full sized bedroom but someone would turn it into an etch-a-sketch and before long they would begin at the outside making a square and gradually work me into a teeny tiny being in a teeny tiny corner. Everything normal size would suddenly be gigantic. Like Alice in Wonderland.

For some reason today feels like I am living that in real time.
Everything seems larger than life.
I feel a little overwhelmed.
There is no reason for it.
It is a bit disquieting.

But the good, kind things I have experienced today also seem to be amplified. Here is a sampling:
I received a card of encouragement.
I have a dinner date with friends Friday night that I was reminded of. 
I was able to pray with a friend whose mom is making her way to Jesus.
Sarah and Beth are beginning to work their decorating magic in my home.
One of my grand daughters brought me a Buttercup.

I went to a local store today because Sam needed dog food. He is a big dog so I purchase 50 pound bags to save money. 50 pounds of dog food is not cheap. I got to the check out counter behind two of my KCU soccer boys. I thought I overheard the cashier say something that would directly affect my ability to make my purchase. I asked her, "Did you just say the credit card machines are down?" "Yes they are." I started to tell her, "I will have to leave this here then because I do not carry enough cash to pay for it." One of my boys said "Mom, do you need money?" Sheepishly I said "Yes, do you have $20?" He reached in his wallet and handed me cash so I wouldn't have to make a return trip.

The little things
really are the big things.
I don't deserve this life I live.
I am thankful I don't get what I deserve
because that would be a miserable, pain filled existence at best.


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