"Do you have any quarters?"

"Do you have any quarters?"
"How many do you need?"
"Oh, four should be enough..."
I looked through my change, found seven and handed them to him.

I didn't think any more about it, 
headed to Beth's van so I could drive it in case we needed it,
watched as Kourtney made sure he had all the girls in his van,
and we headed out to see Sarah this morning.

We stopped at the gas station at the end of the road.
Kourtney put four quarters in the air machine
and the tears began their familiar trail down my cheeks
as I was transported back in time.

"Do you have any quarters?"
"How many do you need?"
Bill's reply depended on the job he was doing-
air in the tire or taking the car to vacuum it out or spray it off.

I thought about how different life is now.
How many things are new, yet old.
How I am the same but changing.
How I need to continue to carry good Kleenex.

As I drove, thankful I was alone so I didn't have to explain my tears,
I prayed for healing and comfort.
I turned on the radio and this song began soon after.
It was definitely an answer to my prayer.

I asked Siri to send me a text so I would be able to find the song tonight
"Lincoln Brewster, Remind me who I am".
This version, the first one I looked at, was posted July 21, 2014.
More tears. That was Bill's last birthday.

Tonight I am thankful for
quarters and other small things that stir up memories, 
tears that are part of healing and celebration in life,
and joy that thrives because God reminds me who and whose I am.


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