storm warning

sometimes you know a strong storm is coming
because you can see it building in the distance
or you hear the emergency sirens go off
or you receive a warning from a weather app 
(Ruth and I got all three early this evening)

you try to prepare and get to a safe place
but sometimes there is nothing more you can do
and you never have control over the intensity

all you can do is sit and watch
the wind blow in gusts
the rain pour in sheets
the hail dance like popcorn kernels in hot oil
as you hope and pray for minimal damage, flooding and power outages
and safety for those who are homeless
or caught out or have no choice but to be out in it

on the other side of that can be
sitting on the porch or in another safe, dry place
in wonder and awe of the raw power on display
thankfulness for moisture that is sorely needed
hope that the baked ground will open enough to accept it

I like a good storm, but I don't want anyone to suffer because of one
I just looked at pictures from my area of the world
there is flooding, power outages, and other damage from the wind and hail 

if you were blessed to love someone who liked to keep track of the weather
(I am thinking of Bill Bondurant and Jim Fankell right now)
memories of their reaction to intense weather situations
can cause an emotional storm to rival the weather
I know mine is not the only heart hurting this evening
sometimes you can avoid the storm
sometimes you have to ride it out and face the aftermath


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