
How am I?

My emotions are like ping pong balls in an air blown lottery machine. And I never know for sure which one is going to escape.

I am learning to love God more intimately.

I am learning to live life more "intentionally".

I am learning to carry good Kleenex. Everywhere.

I am learning to be honest-with myself and with others. 

I am learning how to cry, even in front of strangers, and not be ashamed.

I am learning to listen for the INTENT rather than the content of people's words.

I am learning to not be surprised by the "unlikely" people God uses to bring comfort and encouragement into my life.

I am learning that God is exceedingly, abundantly more than all I ever thought or imagined Him to be.

I am learning, that because of who God is, I am able to do more than I ever thought or imagined as He works in and through me.

I am learning to live this new life.


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