
I like a good storm.
I find beauty in the clouds and in the rain.
I find myself worshipping God when I hear thunder and see lightening.

As I reflect on today an accurate description would be "it was a beautiful stormy day".

Today I had a follow up visit with the surgeon who fixed my knee.
I was in his office  six weeks ago to get the stitches out.
That was where I was when Bill texted that our family doctor wanted to see him.
After Bill's appointment we went straight to the hospital.
I didn't think about all of that until I was sitting in the waiting room today.
I seriously considered canceling my appointment and walking out.
Deborah reminded me I would only have to come back and do it all again.
I texted a friend , "I am about to lose it. Please pray."
And I sat in the crowded waiting room with tears running down my face
hoping I wouldn't have to talk to anyone, thanking God for the prayers of my friend.
When I got into a room the tears increased. Deborah cried with me for a few minutes.

The surgeon came in.
He was kind.
He was compassionate.
He brought a rainbow into our day.
(When he left the room I discovered that an ugly cry can be a by product of happy tears.)

I know that God is light.
I know that He shines His light into my life.
So I figure His light reflecting off my tears will cause rainbows if I look for them.

Today's rainbows included

faithful friends who pray for me

unexpected hugs

unexpected gifts

unexpected messages

Xavier experiencing a lemon for the first time

a penny on the ground by my chair at the restaurant

Xavier wearing the new hat his Aunt Deborah bought for him

Tonight I am thanking God for tears and rainbows.


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