Princess Bride

The Princess Bride movie is a family favorite.
Part of a scene came to my mind the other day and has lingered.

The Man in Black has been beaten/tortured and is in bad shape.
His friends take him to see Miracle Max, the healer.
Max works on The Man in Black and asks him,
"Hey, what's so important, what you got here that's worth living for?"
The Man in Black's response is barely discernible, "Truuuue looooove"
Max admits "True love IS the greatest thing in the world."

Bill and I loved one another truly and deeply.
Ours was not a perfect relationship-
we were both human
and neither of us was a perfect human.
However, our individual relationships with God-
the origin and giver of love-
spilled over into our relationship.
That is what made ours a True love.

I feel a bit like Wesley for at least part of every day.
Bill and I were knit together-
"two shall become one"
I feel as if I have been beaten.
My heart feels as if it has been torn to pieces.

I feel the prayers of my friends taking me before God -the healer.
And I hear Him ask me
"what you got here that is worth living for?"
True love is my answer.

God is True.
God is love.
God is True Love.
He is what makes life worth living.


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