Tonight, I want to be held

In my spirit
I know God loves me.
I know He sees me.
I know He cares.
I know He holds me.
I know He is with me.
I know He provides everything I need.
I know He is never late.

In my flesh
the last three days have been long.
Emotionally draining.
And tonight, tonight I am tired.
My emotions are battered,
my mind is worn.
On this cold, wet evening
what I want
is to simply 
curl up on a couch
with a fire in the wood burning stove
and be held
(nothing sexual)
by someone with flesh and blood.

Would I want Bill to come back?
Now that he has gone, NO! A thousand times, NO!
He is in the presence of our great God,
without distraction or hindrance.
Years ago I read a small book
that had a huge impact on my life.
"The Practice of the Presence of God"
written by Brother Lawrence.
He chose to practice being aware of God's presence.
I have found that we get good at what we practice.
I have been thinking about the presence I lost.
There is nothing wrong with that.
But I must not get into the habit 
of practicing those thoughts.

As I choose to 
Practice the Presence of God
I find comfort
I find rest
I find assurance
I find that I am challenged.
I must choose to trust
that God will continue to provide
what I need, when I need it.
It may not come the way I expect it.
It may not come when I think I need it.
But He is faithful.
He will provide.
He has NEVER failed.

My mind is drawn to Jesus' admonition to Peter:

Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation.
The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.
Mark 14:38

I must watch.
I must pray.
I am weak.
Without God's Spirit at work in me
I will fall into temptations,
too many to list,
I will believe Satan's lies.
The truth is that God is enough.
He is more than enough.
And I find that as I have sat and cried and wrote,
He has filled my desire to be held.
I am tempted to "pretty" this post up.
But it was definitely a process to get here-
so, I will leave it as I wrote it.

Is being held by God
the same as being held by flesh and blood?
No, but it is infinitely more lasting.
I find that is satisfying from the inside out.
And no gossip can be started by being held by Him.


  1. I find that this my biggest stumbling block just to hold them one more time :( thank you for sharing...... Love u

  2. Bless your sweet heart, Donnette. But in the middle ot it all, you are so brightly reflecting the grace of God. Praying for you daily! Hugs. Karen


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