blessed beyond measure

I am blessed beyond measure.  

Not a day passes that I don't receive communications
(plural) from friends or family checking on me.

Here are a few specific examples of how God has made my heart smile in the last couple of days.

Saturday evening as I stood at ICOM before we began singing at the main session, I had a friend come up to me on my right side and give me a hug and ask if I was alone. I told her yes, but no, I was saving seats for Andrew and Bre and another couple. It made me smile through tears, and I felt as if God had hugged me. Before she reluctantly went back to her seat she told me she wanted to pray with me after the service. A few minutes passed and a different friend came up on my left side, hugged me, asked the same question, got the same answer and refused to leave my side until Andrew and company actually walked into the aisle to sit with me. Tears streamed down my face as I thanked God for providing the presence of two different friends, at two different times, to literally came alongside me. Because all I seemed to be able to see in front of me was couples holding hands. Toward the end of the sermon I reached into my purse and found a photo with words of encouragement on the back that yet another friend had slipped into my purse from behind me. At the end of the session I thanked her and hugged her on my way to get that promised prayer. I felt surrounded by God's love.

Last night as I left the dinner at church a friend caught me, held me and prayed for me as I cried. After the dinner Andrew and Bre stopped by and later in the evening the friend who prayed with me called to make sure I was okay.

This morning a long time friend who now lives Florida came for a visit on her way out of town. 

This afternoon coach told me that Tim, one of our soccer boys presents his worship project tonight. He invited me to attend with him. I wouldn't have known otherwise and I would have been disappointed when I found out after the fact.

Today at lunch one of my soccer boys stopped by my table and told me to call him if I needed the driveway shoveled.

This evening I received a text -
"Are you home?"
"Do you want a visit for a few minutes?"
A dear friend had stopped and I didn't answer the door. I was taking the trash out and didn't hear her! At just the right time God nudged her to text. She stepped out of her comfort zone and obeyed and persisted. Oh how I needed that visit!

Saturday I received a text from one of my soccer boys asking if I had time for him to come to the house and talk with me soon. I told him I was out of town until Sunday. He texted me again today. We were able to meet this evening. His reason for the urgency in meeting with me-"mom, if you need anything, I know Andrew is busy with everything he has going on, and with Bill being gone, if you need anything, you have my number, call me. If you need grass mowed or something in the house done or snow shoveled, call me, I will come. Anything at all.  If it gets bad and you can't get out, we have a four wheel drive truck, we can come get you or get you anything you need. If you need wood for the stove..." 


In many different ways, through many different people, God is providing everything I need-and more! In the midst of what is sometimes crushing pain, God's people are reinforcing what I know to be true: 
God sees
God is good
God is kind
God is faithful
God is compassionate
God is loving
God is lavish
God has me in His care.

This song has been running through my mind all day:


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