Decisions, Decisions

One of the things about me that probably drove Bill crazy is my hesitancy/inability to make a quick decision. Or any decision quickly. (There is a difference.)

A quick decision is spur of the moment-as in "do I want Arby's or Taco Bell" as we decided on what kind of meal we wanted to eat on our way out of town.
A decision made quickly is "which meal deal do I want from Taco Bell"; there are only two I like-it still took a few minutes.

I buy the same brand of toothpaste, the same flavor, the same size every time. And yet, I have a very difficult time going to the store and looking at only that toothpaste. The same is true for deodorant.

I buy the same kind of shampoo every time. I may vary on the size, depending on the price, and it still takes longer than it should for me to get it from the shelf to my cart. 

I do get crazy when it comes to body wash-I buy different brands and scents, so you can only imagine how long it takes me in that aisle.

So many things in my life were determined by Bill's schedule and his preferences. 

When is bed time?
When is wake up time?

What do I need to do 
this morning
this afternoon
this evening 
this week
this month
this year?

Now there is a world full of decisions I have to make on my own. 

It has the potential to be overwhelming.

How long is too long to spend on the computer in the evening? 

Trim my hair?
Cut my hair?
Continue to let it grow?

Last night I realized I had a huge decision to make-
Do I set the clocks for DST before bed or in the morning?
I did both. 
I set the upstairs clocks before going to bed, 
the ones downstairs I set while I cooked my breakfast.
(Speaking of breakfast-oatmeal or something else since I was out of eggs. Old fashioned oats or quick oats?)

And since we are on the topic of food,
KCU cafeteria, fast food or left overs for lunch after church?

I totally understand if you have started shaking your head at me and feeling bad for what Bill had to go through.

Which font do I use for my blog post today?
Which size font?
Do I bold or italicize anything?
Adjust the font from black to gray?
Will I use color?
Or highlight?

Build a fire in the wood stove or not?

What day of the month do I choose to receive my paycheck?

Should I set up some bills on automatic payments?
What day of the month do I set up automatic payments?
Should I put the payment on a credit card to earn points ?
Which credit card?
Or should I do automatic withdrawals from the checking account.

Do I pay extra on the principal?
How much extra do I pay?

Sudden-link or Windstream?
Direct TV, Cable, Dish Network or no tv?

Pay the utility bill when it comes in or on the due date?

And that is the "unimportant" stuff!

The last decision Bill and I made together concerning my ministry focus was that I would continue as the women's soccer team mom and add the men's team this fall. With the end of our seasons last night I realized I now have to make those kind of decisions without Bill.

Were it not for the Lord and wise friends, 
I would be in deep trouble, 
in so far over my head I would be drowning.

"The way of a fool is right in his own eyes,
but a wise man listens to advice."
Proverbs 12:15

"I will praise the Lord, who counsels me;
     even at night my heart instructs me.
I keep my eyes always on the Lord.
With him at my right hand, I will not be shaken."
Psalm 16:7-8

"Nevertheless, I am continually with You; 
You hold my right hand.
You guide me with Your counsel, and afterward 
You will receive me to glory.
Whom have I in heaven but You?
   And there is nothing on earth that I desire besides You.
My flesh and my heart may fail,
    but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever."
Psalm 73:23-26


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