"she has a song"

I was so tired I decided to lay down to rest this afternoon.
I put my iPhone playlist on shuffle.
Amidst four grand daughters playing on hardwood floors, I fell asleep.

I woke up from a dream with my heart clenched and tears in my eyes. 
I was grieving the loss of our child, trying to tell one of my sons that the teddy bear I held in my hands was in memory of his baby brother. 
(I miscarried our last baby.)

I lay there a while longer, and heard my door open.
It was Korah, the six year old.
I looked and she had a smile for me.

A few minutes later I heard the four year old open the door,
(I am guessing their friend had come to play and they were playing hide and seek.)
I heard Willow's sweet little voice, "That's grandma. She has a song."

And I thought,"she is right."
Even in heartache, I do have a song, 
and it is not a dirge.


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