live life

Say "I love you".

Say "I forgive you".

Say "please".

Say "thank you".

Say "I appreciate you".

Say "you are special".

Celebrate victories-
big or small.

Watch a sun rise.

Watch a sun set.

Feel the caress of a gentle breeze.

Bask in the kiss of the sun.

Work hard.

Play hard.

Take a break.

Taste your food.

Treasure "moments".

Enjoy special times,
but don't live for them-
because most of life 
is made up of "ordinary';
and when ordinary 
is no longer part of everyday
we realize how special
ordinary is.

Most importantly:
seek an intimate relationship with God
because that is where life is found.

"And this is the testimony, 
that God gave us eternal life, 
and this life is in his Son. 
Whoever has the Son has life; 
whoever does not have the Son of God 
does not have life."
1 John 5:11-12


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