
The theme of ICOM this year is "Vertical".

As I reflect, I would summarize my thoughts by saying:

1.Intimacy with God is vital for a healthy vertical relationship.

What I say I believe 
is not a good indicator of what I truly believe.

It is easy to say "God is good"-
when life is "good".

It is easy to say "I trust God"-
when life is going as "planned".

It is easy to say "God loves me"-
when there is no turmoil.

It is easy to say "God answers prayer"-
when we get what we want.

It is easy to say "I love God"-
when we there are no questions.

I think that what we believe is shouted via the megaphones of our reactions, attitudes, choices and practices
when life is hard,
when life takes an unexpected turn, 
when life comes to an abrupt halt,
when the answer we receive is not what we asked for,
when life doesn't make sense.

2. My vertical perspective (what I know and understand about God) affects my horizontal perspective (my actions, reactions and choices). And my horizontal choices are a true indication of my vertical perspective.

"I have said these things to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.”
John 16:33


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