random raw post

This blog has a life of its own.

Sometimes it is positive.

Sometimes it is not so positive.

Always I try to be transparent and honest.

God answers prayer.

Yes is an answer.

No is an answer.

Wait is an answer.

My heart is raw.

Sometimes I over re-act.

Sometimes I mis-interpret.

Sometimes I intentionally avoid eye-contact.

Tears are healing.

Sometimes they slip silently down my face.

Sometimes they erupt violently from my gut.

Sometimes they can be shared, sometimes they need to be private.

 Healing takes time.

Most of the time I am okay with that.

Sometimes I am impatient with myself.

Sometimes I am impatient with other people.

Life is unpredictable.

Sometimes I long for it to be more predictable.

Most of the time I am comfortable with the unpredictable.

All of the time I am glad that I do not know what tomorrow will bring.

Death is certain.

Everyone faces death differently.

Everyone who is living will one day die.

Everyone who lives on after a loved one dies, lives differently.

Everything seems to take more right now.

More time to get ready.

More effort to make decisions.

More energy to accomplish tasks.

Grief takes time. A lot of time.

Grieving is hard work.

Grieving is individualized.

Grieving is not limited to losing a loved one.

All that to say:

Thank you for being patient with me.

Please don't get offended if I decline an invitation.

Right now my focus is on allowing God to work in my life to bring healing and wholeness. 

My daughter Sarah was helping me find the perfect song.
We think this video of my daughter-in-law Bre singing conveys my heart's song.Thank you Bre for sharing your gift.


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