Convocation-nothing lasts forever

Today was the day.
I never look forward to it.
I have to admit that some of "my kids" are seniors
which means that come May, they will be moving on 

I attend
because I love them.
I want them to see that I care.
I am proud of them for sticking with "it".
I am thankful they chose to come to school here.

As I sat 
in the front row, 
off to the right side
I was focused on listening.
My mind flashed back to Convocation 2014.

There was Bill
looking all suave and dapper
in one of his new suits, dress shirt and snazzy tie
coming through the door to sit next to me and hold my hand.
Tuesday Aug. 19, 2014 was the last chapel service I shared with him.

I had knee surgery Wednesday 20th.
I could not attend Thursday the 21st.
He came to pick me up the following Tuesday, 26th
but he was not feeling well so we stayed home together.
The next time we were in the Chapel together he was in a casket.

These days
I tend to take fewer things for granted,
am more apt to treasure "small" "everyday" things
and enjoy whatever time I get to spend with those I love.
I am well aware of the reality that nothing on earth lasts forever.


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