367 days

May 2014
"Mightier than the thunders of many waters,
    mightier than the waves of the sea,
    the Lord on high is mighty!"
Psalm 93:4

Was it 367 days ago that Bill passed from life to Life?
Or was I talking to him a few minutes ago about Labor Day plans?
I feel like I live in some kind of time warp.

Some moments in some days feel like they will never end.
Sometimes I find myself shaking my head and wondering,
"Where did that week go?"

For years I have committed to pray daily for a year 
when friends have suffered the loss of a loved one. 
It seemed like a long time. 

When Bill died 
I asked for people to pray for me and my family for a year,
knowing we needed the support.

More than a year has passed.
A year isn't nearly long enough.
I will always desperately need prayer warriors to intercede for me.


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