the last time

Today is the last time I can say "a year ago Bill and I..."

I don't know why,
but that has knocked the wind out of me.
I am not down and out, 
but I am definitely down
and my heart feels freshly broken.

I ugly cry,
knowing the tears help cleanse and heal,
and randomly think 
"I am so glad I don't wear make-up."

And I pray,
asking the Lover of my soul to comfort me.
When the storm calms a bit
I will be texting the coaches
asking if I can come grab a hug and a prayer.

And as I finished typing that line, 
I get a text from one of them
" Love you. Praying for you right now. Sending a hug..."
I reply to that.
They are on their way now. 

I love how God works.


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