lied to in Chapel

"You don't belong here anymore" he whispered.

"Last year you did. But things change, don't they?"  a little louder.

"You got by last semester because of Andrew" he said.

"Why are you sitting here? Your ties to this place are gone. Your husband died! Your son moved!" he yelled.

Spiritual warfare raged, 
and I doubt anyone else was aware
as I sat in the back row of the Nash Chapel, 
by myself, 
and wrestled with Satan.

I let the tears stream
as I battled the lies and persevered, 
singing songs of praise with those gathered for worship tonight.

It was almost over 
when I randomly received a hug and a kiss from God, 
via "Crazy Kate"-
one of my girls who is a graduate, 
affirming that I do belong "here", 
that I have a ministry and a place independent 
of Bill and Andrew and the positions they held at KCU. 

She and all of the other students who call me mom 
are why I was sitting there tonight 
and why I will continue to show up when and where I can 
to be involved in their lives, 
with the goal of sharing Jesus' love.


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