the legacy I want to leave

Minutes turn to 
hours turn to
days turn to
weeks turn to
months turn to
years turn to

Time passes.

Unless something interrupts timethat is how life is lived.
But not how it is measured.
Life is measured by what we value.

"They lived a long, good life."
Who determines the length of a long life?
What is the definition of a good life?

Why does it matter?

Because one day, unless Jesus comes back before I die,
people will be discussing the life I lived.
When you die, they will discuss the life you lived.

Every day we are writing our legacy,
creating memories, defining what we value,
speaking volumes, sometimes without saying a word.

anything handed down from the past, 
as from an ancestor or predecessor

The legacy I want to leave takes time and intentional interaction.
It begins with a simple hello, which can lead to 
conversation which if pursued leads to
relationship which if nurtured leads to 
friendship which if cultivated leads to 
community which if invested in leads to
healthy family life. 

when my days on earth are done,
people say, "She loved God. She loved me."
I will have lived a long, good life.
Regardless of the number of years on my headstone,
or the amount of "stuff" in my estate,
I will have left a valuable legacy.


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