facing the giants

I knew it. 

Facing the "big" things,
holidays, birthdays, etc.
without Bill is hard.

What I did not realize was how hard it would be to face the giants-
the countless,
what used to be inconsequential,
everyday things, 
without him.

Today was a day full of giants.

A little after nine tonight I found myself walking a lap at KCU,
surrounded by people, 
but alone,
tears falling as my heart cried out
to the Lover of my soul,
finding release and relief in the tears
and comfort in His presence.

"God is our refuge and strength, 
a very present help in trouble."
Psalm 46:1
This was the "verse of the day" on Biblegateway.com
The affirmation did my heart good.
I count it a "God hug".


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